Having blank walls is a style! But if it’s not yours, and you long for a cozy, welcoming space, here’s some tips for hanging art!

Art could easily be a focal point in any room! Having a focal point in every room is what grounds the room and makes it cozy. Your focal point could be an architectural feature, an accent wall, or a piece of furniture as well. But since this post is about hanging art, let’s discover how to use it as a focal point.
Using art as a focal point draws your focus to the area of a space you want to have the most attention. In a large open room, you will have several. Perhaps hanging art in your site line when you are standing at the island can perk up your mood while your chopping vegetables. Something cheerful on the first wall you see upon entering your laundry room, or a single large piece above a console when you walk into the front door.

When hanging a single piece of art, the center should always be around 5′ from the floor. This ensures the proper height for the average viewer. Hang the art, then style the area around it. Add a chair and a plant stand beside it. Or perhaps sliding a narrow console table or bench under it or a tree beside it will create a cozy setting.

When hanging furniture above a couch, use the same rule of thumb. You want the center to be between 60-66″ and you want it to be 8-10″ from above the back of the couch. This is easy if you have a large single piece or a trio that will span the length of your sofa.
If what you have is too small, add to it. You can use anything to make a collage. You can keep it more casual by finding pieces that are alike in color or in style. Tie several pieces together by putting them in matching frames. Or you can make it eclectic by arranging a collection of mismatched pieces that you love! Either way you choose, it just needs to be balanced!

Small walls and hidden corners don’t need too much attention. But sometimes leaving them blank when everything else is addressed makes them stand out. Consider adorning those areas with pieces that blend with the wall color or smaller pieces. Perhaps stacking two or three smaller pieces could bring some life to a small area.